Landon (4 yrs.)
- glubs-gloves
- Heavensville-Evansville
- aminals-animals
- dults-adults
- Pruhdue-Purdue
- His new thing is when we ask him how he likes something he always says, "GREAT!"
Emmy (3 1/2 yrs.)
- dough ojuh dare-go over there
- brekwist-breakfast
- peapod-Ipod
- one, two, fee, foar, fij,sik, sejen, eight, nine, ten, ewehjen
- beebee-baby
- tozy tote-cozy coat
- sheel-heel
- We really are working with her on saying /s/. I'd say about 3/4ths of the time she uses /s/ instead of /f/.
Happy Thanksgiving!