The Hahns

The Hahns

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Landon's 6 months

He had his doctor's appointment last week and is 16 lbs. (25th percentile) and 27 inches long (75th percentile). The doctor said that he is growing well and following the same curve of growth, so not to worry that he's skinny! :) He started on carrots this week and just loves them. I was expecting some funny faces, but he ate his first bite and just kept opening his mouth for more. He also learned how to sit up by himself (for a short time) and rolls all over the floor. He tries to roll towards a toy that he wants and if he can't reach it, he'll keep looking at it and trying to reach for it. He figured out how to spin around in his Exersaucer and bounce a little. I can't believe how fast he's growing and how much he's learning each day. It's so neat to see how far he's come.


  1. Landon is such a great little boy!!! I can't believe he is getting so big...too fast!!!

  2. yeah for a healthy boy! ugh, just want to hold him! give him a hug for me and know that i love you all lots...m.e.

    chatted a bit on facebook with kristina and just wanted you to know that i'm missing you all! just had to tell you :). love ya lots...m.e.
