The Hahns

The Hahns

Monday, September 07, 2009

New Routines

Matt and I have been back in school for approximately 3 weeks and everyone seems to be adjusting well. The kids are doing well with their grandmas and the grandmas are doing well with 2 kids! I think the roughest transition has been for Matt and me. We are pretty much exhausted after working all day and taking care of the kids until 9-9:30. There's not much time to relax. So this weekend has been spectacular! We've gotten some time to ourselves. On Friday we had a date night. We had pizza and watched a movie at the house. I know...not too exciting, but to be able to sit and watch a whole movie without any distractions was enough for us! :) Then on Sunday we had a party at the Davis'. The rain held off thankfully and we got to play volleyball, cornhole, and have some smores around the fire (before all the mosquitoes chased us inside). You'll have to check out Jessica's blog to see pictures (I got tired of waiting for my 1 pic to load!! :) ).
And today, we're hanging around the house with the kids. Landon is getting around really quickly and is feeding himself! YEAH! He is 11 months after all. He's not a big fan of his sippy cup yet, he'd rather drink out of an adult cup. Emerson is talking and smiling like crazy! She is learning to hold onto toys and is so content.
Landon loves his sister


  1. landon looks so big in that picture! such cute kids! i'm glad you had a chance to relax this weekend and have some time to yourselves. kids are wonderful, but so is mommy and daddy time! enjoy the rest of the day.

  2. Aww, what a cute picture of my nephew and neice. I can't wait to see them again! And yay for adult time! I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of your day together!

  3. I agree with everyone else...GREAT PICTURE! And it is so important to have that adult time too! It was great seeing you all so much this are a wonderful family! Love ya!
