The Hahns

The Hahns

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day

Well, with all the snow and wind today, Wa-Nee and Middlebury decided to cancel school. So both Matt and I were home with the kids...Yeah! I had actually planned ahead this time and taken my boots and snowpants home from school just in case school was called off today, but I never got a chance to use them! :(
First of all, it was quite windy and probably too cold to take the kids out anyway. But secondly and most importantly, Landon woke up with a temp. of 100.6! :( Last night we could tell something was a little off because he fell asleep in my arms, which hasn't happened but maybe once since he was a really little guy. Then when he woke up 12 hours later, we knew something wasn't right. He was pretty warm all day, but Tylenol and his 4 hours of napping seemed to help. That was really his only symptom of not being healthy. Hopefully tomorrow he'll be back to his happy self. He ate pretty well and played a little, but we were very thankful to have the day off so there were 2 of us here to take care of the kids.
Emerson is still doing ok so far...but it might not be long until she gets it, since she puts everything in her mouth! :) Oh and a little side note, she tried AGAIN to eat Logan's food...I think that makes 3 times now. That crazy girl!
Hope all is well with you and please pray for a quick recovery for Landon and Emerson to stay healthy.


  1. Poor he feeling any better today? I feel so helpless when little ones are sick. It's great that both your schools had a snow day! I really hope Emerson doesn't get whatever Landon had, and hopefully he feels better very soon!

  2. Yea for snow days...not so much sick kids! But what a blessing to be able to be home and take care of him!

  3. snow days are a great part of being a teacher! :) i hope landon feels better quickly and that emerson doesn't get it!

  4. Awww, poor little guy. I hope he's better by now. He and Emerson should be getting something in the mail if it's not there yet. Happy Valentine's Day!
