The Hahns

The Hahns

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Swim Lessons

were definitely a success! Landon did great! He loved being in the water, splashing, and didn't even mind being dunked. He was one of the 3-4 kids that didn't cry. Hoorah! Matt said the water was freezing (NW is trying to save money by not heating the pool so much), but Landon didn't even mind the cold water. When he got out, his lips were a little purple though! :) It must've worn him out as well because he came home and about 1/2 hr. later, he was in bed taking a nap. Hopefully the next 4 weeks will go as well.


  1. Yay! How cute! I bet he absolutely loved it and that's good news for our vacation this summer! He'll want to swim, swim, swim! :)

  2. Yahoo, I couldn't wait to find out how it went! That is so excited, he looks SO HAPPY!!! And congrats on the dunking...that is incredible! He is such a good boy!!

  3. how fun! i wish i would have known you were doing it...i think i would have been able to talk john into taking greyson since he wouldn't be the only guy! he's weird like that...:)

  4. awesome! i can't believe it is swim lesson time. crazy!!! looks like he is getting ready for the lake! haha. can't wait until those warm summer days. love you all lots...m.e.
