The Hahns

The Hahns

Monday, August 09, 2010

Good start to a terrible end....Tennessee vacation

Alright, so I know some people like to get the bad news over with first and some would rather start with the good.  If you're a bad news first person, keep reading.  If you're a good news then you'll have to scroll down a bit! :)

Before going on vacation, you always hope for the best.  Like nice weather, happy kids, short lines, etc.  Our vacation did not quite end that way.  By the end of the trip EVERYONE except Kristina had some kind of stomach virus.  Anything from upset stomach, to throwing up, or coming out the other way was experienced.  We spent a lot of time in the rental cabin either in the bathroom or in bed, which was not fun.
And that wasn't even the worst of it.  Our trip home definitely fits this category.  About 2 hours after leaving our house, the Bravada was acting a little strange.  Not really accelerating like it should up the mountains.  So Matt decided to pull over and look at it.  By then the engine started smelling hot, so he called a tow truck to come pick us up.  Mom and Dad were a little ways behind us so they pulled over too.  To make a long day a little shorter, 5 hours later, Matt was in a rented Uhaul truck (that we had to drive 45 minutes south to pick up) and Dad, Mom, myself and the 2 kids were smushed into their car.  The guys at the tow truck company bought our broken down '98 Bravada for $300.  After that long day, we drove for awhile and stopped at a hotel for the night.  Mom and Dad both got sick at the hotel so we rented separate rooms.  The next day (after many prayers to just get home safely) we started off with 5 of us in the car and Matt driving the Uhaul pulling his fishing boat.  We followed Matt since he couldn't see the boat and all was going well until we hit Kokomo, IN (which is about 2 1/2 hours from home).  The Uhaul started acting funny so Matt called the 1-800 number for help.  After about an hour in a Speedway gas station, no help had arrived so we decided to leave Matt and the Uhaul and head home.  We arrived home about 6:00 p.m. (8 hours longer than it should've taken) and Matt didn't get home until 10 p.m.
So needless to say, we had a horrible long trip home from Tennessee with 2 broken down vehicles!
The last view of the Bravada

The kids were such troopers on the car ride.  Emerson is not entertained easily, but she did pretty well for being 14 months old and cooped up in her car seat.  While we were in Tennessee and not sick, we did get to see and do some pretty cool things!  We took the kids to an aquarium and they LOVED it!  Landon loved to see all the fish and the penguins.  Emerson enjoyed riding in the stroller and playing on the toys.  Matt and Steven got to go Bungee jumping (Matt's first time).  I think they both enjoyed it, even though it only lasted a few minutes.  Mom, Kristina, and I went to a HUGE outlet mall and got the kids a bunch of stuff for $2 and $3.  I even got Emerson a shirt for 99 cents! :)  I think my favorite new thing we did was go WhiteWater Rafting.  I'd never been before, but Steven, Kristina, Matt and I had a blast!  Our guide was great and we even tipped over (on purpose :))!  We also went mini golfing and had a great time playing in the lake.  So although, I had much more to say about the bad news, we did have some good news too.  And many more pictures of the good times our kids had on their first vacation! :)
Uncle Steven and Landon checking out the penguins
Landon and Emerson excited about the fish
The kids enjoyed their first ride on a train
Having fun in the warm lake water.  Landon loved going "simmin' "


  1. I'm sorry your trip back was so horrible and it for sure will make you not want to travel by car anytime soon again. But.....I really enjoyed hanging out with everyone and not having to split time between you guys and mom and dad. I love my niece and nephew so much and can't wait to see them again. Maybe this time Emerson will come to me a little better. Thank you for making the trip down there and I hope we can do it the future, maybe far off future. Good luck looking for a new vehicle. I can't wait to see it when I come home again in September!

  2. It was awful when we got the call from matt. So sorry you had to deal with all of that. But it will all work out and I hope you all are feeling better! Your vacation sounds amazing with the bungee jumping and white water rafting! That is so cool! It was great that you got to spend such quality time with your family even though sickness hit. See you Saturday! Love you!

  3. i couldn't believe all the bad things that happened when i first heard. i'm glad you are all home safe and had a good time while you were there. i love the pics you cute!

  4. yea for all those great times that make the challenging times manageable. and definitely glad you made it home safe! i hope you have had time to rest and relax a bit after a bit of a stressful trip home. and no worries, i'm driving us tomorrow :). so it will be great :). love you...m.e.
