The Hahns

The Hahns

Monday, August 23, 2010

School is back in session

One week down...many more to come!  The first week of this school year has gone really well.  Now granted, the kids are usually on their best behavior for the first few days.  Afraid to get in trouble and show their true selves! :)  But it really has been a great start.  It's a little rough trying to get back into our school routine (going to bed early to get up early and get the kids ready for Gma's house on T & Th), but we're figuring it out again.
The interactive whiteboard I got this year has been a lot of fun.  The kids LOVE it.  But since it's new, there have been some bugs to work out and some that aren't worked out yet.
Tomorrow night is Parent Night (eek!).  That always makes me so nervous to stand in front of everybody and talk.  I could do it with kids all day long, but adults...that's another story! :)  I made a Powerpoint this year so I could use the new board, so hopefully that will be the focus and not me.
Hope everyone else is having a good start to a new school year!


  1. Congrats on a great first week and many more to come! That whiteboard sounds amazing and it is such a great idea to use it to for parent's night. You will do great :) See you tomorrow!!

  2. back to school...i guess it had to come at some point. glad you are getting into routine and enjoying the white board! :)
