The Hahns

The Hahns

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

"Happy Birfday to Jesus.  He be 10." 
This was one of Landon's favorite Christmas songs (that and "Jingle Bells.") and it just made me smile because with all the busyness of the season, a 2 year old reminded me what the season is all about.  Yes, he did actually make up the song.  That's one of his favorite things to do...make up songs about random things.  I wonder who he learned that from.... :)  With 4 Christmas parties in 4 days (and 1 a week earlier), we were definitely blessed by a lot of family time and a lot of gifts.  We had the Hahn Christmas on the 22nd.  We enjoyed beef stroganoff and watching the kids open their gifts.  Landon is really enjoying his Lightning McQueen Dominoes and Em is loving her padded Princess chair and nursery.  The kids had kind of a difficult time sharing the cool chair, so Uncle Nate bought Landon a Cars chair too so they each have one!

Landon as Santa's helper

Emmy loving her new chair

The kids performing their rendition of "Jingle Bells" (with Gma singing, them ringing the bells and shouting, "Hey!")
Then the next night, we had our annual Friend Christmas with the Frye's, Davis's, and Jenn.  We had some fun times playing in the snow, eating yummy pizza, decorating cookies for Santa, and playing card games.
John pulling "the kids" on the sled behind the 4-wheeler

Emmy smiling saying, "No" (which means snow) and Landon crying saying, "I wanna go in the house.  I chan't run fast."

The kids going for a "horsie ride" on a tired horsie!

Everybody helping to decorate, or eat, cookies.

Landon and Emmy's creation

 The next night was Christmas Eve and we had the Bergers and Clarks over for haystacks and more gifts to open!  The kids did a GREAT job with gifts this year.  I think Landon is starting to understand that he can leave his new toy to open another gift and his toy will still be there when he gets back.  Landon enjoyed his "big truck, semi trucks" that he got and Em really enjoyed her new baby.

New Christmas p.j.s

Aunt Tina and Uncle Steven gave the kids a book with their voices recorded to read each page
 Then the next morning, the kids woke up and Emerson immediately found the crumbs from the cookies that Santa left and started to eat them.  So we decided to open stockings at 7:30.  They loved pulling out the presents and Landon got his new car that he asked Santa for so he was pretty excited!  After stockings, we ate breakfast and opened our family's gifts.  Landon got a car ramp/garage and Emmy got a dog with puppies in the belly.
Christmas morning...opening their stockings from Santa
 After naps, we headed over to the Vantine Christmas at Todd and Cathy's house.  It was great catching up with everybody.  The kids did well with all of the excitement (except they had no interest in eating supper, so we had a few meltdowns before bedtime).
Our Family Christmas picture

The extended family (this picture was taken WAY TOO CLOSE to you can tell by Landon's "smile" :))

Landon and great Papa.  Everybody feels happier with a cup of milk! :)
Merry Christmas from our family to yours.  And may 2011 bring you many more happy memories!


  1. such sweet memories you have made with your children and family! merry christmas!

  2. I love all the family times you got to experience!!! It is always great to get to spend time with your family...we had a great time at Friend Christmas. I LOVE THE TITLE OF YOUR POST :)

  3. Landon's smile is ridiculously cute in that last picture. I'm so happy we got to spend Christmas with you.:) I enjoy it so much every year. Can't wait to do it again next year. But don't worry, I'll see you before then. Love you!

  4. what a great time you had celebrating all the christmas' with family and friends!! i particularly enjoyed all the photos...especially em in her chair. too cute. love you..m.e.
