The Hahns

The Hahns

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Little Miss Ornery

And so as most of you know, Miss Em is very....for lack of a better word...curious!  She loves to have her hands in things, touching things, making a mess, etc.  Over the past few weeks, these are a few photos of her ornery self!
This is tootpaste she got out of Daddy's backpack, opened, and spread all over her face.
And this....well...yes it is what you think it is.  Besides being all over her face, legs, and hands, it was all over the crib rails, blankets, and stuffed animals.  Let's just say, she had a shower before trying to go back down for a nap!
We do love her dearly and I'm sure will look back and laugh, but for now, I'm pretty sure God is working with us on patience and perserverance! ;)


  1. Haha, too too funny! You've got to have excitement in your life somehow right? I'm sure two two year olds isn't enough.:)

  2. She is very curious...but good thing she is also very cute and loveable!!!!
