The Hahns

The Hahns

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bouncing Around

Well, our Spring Break this year did not go as planned. We spent most of it trying to get over a virus and sinus infection/allergies. But finally on Thursday we were all feeling well enough to get out of the house and we visited Concord Bounce. It was our first experience at this place. We went awhile back in Lafayette, and although this one is much smaller, I think the kids still had a ball!

The Easter Bunny even made an appearnce to say,"Hi" to all of the kids.  Emmy was quite intrigued and wanted to follow Mr. Easter Bunny all over the Bounce House.  But when it came down to it, she did NOT want to shake hands or give high fives.  That is, until he left and THEN she started crying and saying, "Mommy, I didn't even give the Eafer bunny a five!"  I assured her that Easter Bunnies also like waves and smiles (which she did do)!
After naps that day, Landon asked if we were going back to the Bounce House, so I think it was a success!  And we are finally all mostly better (minus Emerson who got an ear infection on Easter   :( ).


  1. Has anyone told you how super cute your kids are? Cuz it's true.:)

  2. What a fun time!!! The pictures totally shows how much they loved it!

  3. not only are they adorable, but they are getting so big!
