The Hahns

The Hahns

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Water Fun, School, and New Driveway

The kids have had a ball playing in the water.  And since it hasn't rained in ages, we've had to make our own.
Driving through the car wash. 
Thanks Uncle Nate for the sprinkler attachment! :)

Emmy got sidewalk paint from the Davis' for her birthday and used almost all of it in one day! ;)
I've also started preschool with them this summer.  I'm using Raising Rock Stars Preschool and the kids love it!  We're on the 2nd week and each day, they quickly stop what they're doing so we can "play school".
Our arrangement for school

Landon "reading" his Bible verse

Em showing off her art project

The curriculum teaches a letter, number, word, Bible verse, color, and song each week. I was amazed that Landon memorized the whole verse and Emmy chimed in on the words she remembered. "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16. We're so proud of our kiddos! :)

This week we also had some noisy action with a new part of our driveway getting cemented. We got new cement from our current cement, down to the turn around for a new basketball hoop, and a little farther down the drive. Our lower turn around also got leveled so (hopefully :)) that means no more getting stuck on wintery days! We had some noisy wake up calls with skidloaders and cement trucks, but it looks great and the kids already rode their bikes full speed ahead down the new cemented hill.
The kids did a good job making sure people obeyed the "broken road" signs for the driveway.

We added our handprints and names to the cement beside the basketball hoop.


  1. Wow! You guys have been really busy already! The driveway looks great and I'm so proud of those kids working hard in preschool. I can't wait to hear all they've learned! I love you all!:)

  2. the sprinkler idea is way too fun! i bet the kids loved that. i was going to ask you if you have started the preschool curriculm yet. i have printed out the first week but that is all the farther i've gotten. i know you were concerned about it being so much paper (i was too but you have double!) and i decided to print four sheets per page. it makes mini books and pictures. i'm hoping that will add to the excitement for greyson. we've talked about it (i was planning on starting last week) and he's not too thrilled. glad it's going well for you!

  3. That is awesome! The sprinkler and the preschool activities and the new fun!!! Those two kids are very smart and I bet it is great to see that first hand!!
