The Hahns

The Hahns

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Catch Up Post

Well, I am a bit behind! :)  So here's a catch up of what we've been up to the last month!  I'm sure this isn't everything (I know I still have a post about new beds and the zoo), but it's a start!
We found out right before Father's Day that my parents were in a car accident and mom cracked a vertebra in her back.  So she had surgery in Kentucky and is in a back brace.  She's such a strong woman and I know she's itching to get some work done around her house, but this must be God's way of saying, "Take it easy!"  Hopefully she only has to wear the brace a few more months.
The rest I hope I can say mostly with pictures:
The kids LOVED Bible School!  It was a western theme.  Yee haw!

We went to Friend Fest at Amish Acres and watched some great Christian music!

It was SUPER hot early afternoon.  But by the time we got in line for the swan, it started to cool down and Emmy still wanted to get wet!  So Daddy didn't disappoint.

This family of ducks was NOT afraid of anyone
 Then the next weekend, we had a girls/boys weekend.  The boys went camping at Chain O' Lakes in the canoe camp (the one we went to last year without running water!) and the girls had a sleepover at our house and went to Deep River Waterpark.  We had a great time with the moms and daughters and everyone did great.  It will be even more fun when the little ones get a bit bigger and sleep better! :)

Matt wanted to get a pergola for our back deck.  We don't use the deck near as much as we should because our tiny umbrella just doesn't give us enough shade, so he found this one and spent an afternoon putting it together.  It looks great and I hope we'll be able to enjoy it for years to come!

Swimming with the kids at Uncle Dave/Aunt Bets' pond

1 comment:

  1. summer fun had by the hahns! thanks for planning the girl outing, we had a blast!
