The Hahns

The Hahns

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Preschool at Union Center

The kids started preschool on August 12, 2013.  They were beyond the moon excited.  They each got to pick out their backpack and Emerson picked out her outfit (Landon didn't care!).  They both said they weren't nervous.  I'm sure it helped that they were very familiar with the building and they had a buddy to go with.  Their teacher is Miss Dee and Miss Tori helps in their room as well.  They love them both.  Emerson has such a knack for paying attention to things and people that she quickly memorized the routine and names of her new friends.  Landon is still working on figuring out his buddies' names! :)  We couldn't be more pleased.  
I drop them off before work at 7:30 and a grandparent picks them up at 11:30.  In that time, they get breakfast, playtime, preschool time, and lunch.  It's great.  What a wonderful blessing for our family.  And a wonderful ministry for our church!
Here are some pictures from their first day:


  1. Yea for preschool!!!! They look so excited! So happy to hear it is going so well! :)

  2. they look so cute and so happy to be heading in to preschool. glad it is going so well for both of them!
