The Hahns

The Hahns

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Upwards Basketball

Landon has been so excited about starting basketball and his enthusiasm shows on the court.  He runs all over and is learning the difference between playing offense and defense.  He has a great time each Saturday and is thrilled when he scores!  We had to explain to him that the game is just for fun and they don't keep track of points.  For a numbers guy like he is, that was pretty hard to understand for the first couple games.  They also have a Bible lesson and verse to memorize.  Their first verse was Philippians 4:4.  A great verse to remind us all to be joyful! :)  Looking forward to more games this season!

Number 5, so good on defense :)


  1. Anonymous6:47 PM

    I wish I could see one of his games, but can't wait until next year!

  2. That is awesome! I'm sure he is doing an amazing job as much as he loves basketball!!! :)
