The Hahns

The Hahns

Monday, July 18, 2016

June pictures

We had a great end of June.  Landon finished up the baseball season.  His poor team struggled quite a bit with only 2 wins for the season.  But he enjoyed it and loved playing pitcher.
Matt took his annual trip to the Boundary Waters and the kids and I tried to stay busy while counting down the days until his return.  Emerson had a more difficult time and didn't sleep well while he was gone.  But here are the kids so happy when their daddy returns! 
 We also had VBS in June.  The theme this year was Cave Quest and the kids really enjoyed it.  They always say, "Why can't Bible School be 2 weeks instead of just 1.  It's too short!"  I haven't tried to explain that 1 week is exhausting for the adults in charge! :)  But they loved all of the experiments, games, snacks, and activities.  Can't wait for next year.
 We had a really warm June with little rain, so the kids have been trying to stay cool.  They've had water balloon fights, played in the sprinkler, and slid on the slip n slide.  I'm so thankful for a big backyard for the kids to play in!

Matt took both kids camping with some of his coworkers and their kids for 2 nights.  It was really weird to be home without anyone else.  Super quiet, but I found plenty of things to keep me busy!
This summer, the kiddos have either been best friends or worst enemies.  They haven't played together as much as in the past, but I suspect as they get older and their tastes change, they won't always want to play together.  So I'm trying to hold onto those golden moments where they get along and play together for hours without a fight! :)

1 comment:

  1. And those two wins were against Greyson's team! Hopefully they both have better teams next year!
