The Hahns

The Hahns

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Smells good!

After a great busy and fun Memorial Day weekend (even though my husband was gone :) ), I just have to comment on smell. Sounds strange, you might think (well, welcome to my blog!) I worked outside most of the day on Monday. It was a gorgeous day and there were quite a few outside chores that needed to be done. Well, after I was finished, I jumped in the shower and was reminded of one of my favorite smells. Ya know that smell you get when you've been outside in the warm weather and first get in the shower to get clean?? That's the one I'm thinking of! I don't know why I like it...other than it reminds me of when I was younger and we would play outside on warm summer days and then take a bath before bed. Ahhh, memories! :) While I'm rambling on about smell I also have to mention two other favorites which would be freshly cut grass and cookies baking in the oven. I think I like these smells so much because they bring back so many great memories for me. I know you all out there have some great (or maybe even weird) smells that you enjoy. Why not share?


  1. Great great blog!!! I also love the smell of cookies in the oven. I love the smell of fresh cut grass. For the weird one, I love the smell of fried food :) At the cafeteria at work, they have the best fried food smell...and I always tell my co-workers that yankee candle should recreate that one really agrees :) I am sure there are tons of other smells and I can't wait to read other responses :)

  2. how fun! and i am glad you got clean :). hee hee hee...just kidding. hmmm...some of my favorite scents include coffee, clean laundry, the air right after it rains, my warm apple pie candle, homemade bread, flowers, vanilla, and anything that brings back a fun burnt chocolate in a fondue pot ;). love ya lots..m.e.

  3. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Yeah, here's a super odd one for you, cow manure.... Being away from smells like that when I do get to smell them remind me of home.
    But on a normal side, I'm totally with you with cookies baking...mmmmm... so good.
