The Hahns

The Hahns

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Adoption-Step 1

I'd like to call this step information overload. We have a lot of paperwork ahead of us (luckily it's summer vacation...yeah!!). We have to fill out a profile on what kind of child we want, along with employment verification, physicals, and multiple questionnaires. We are very excited about this new adventure God is leading us on but still have many questions. We are working on getting all this paperwork completed and turned in. Then we will have a home study where a counselor will come to our house and interview us. We also have to put together a website and a letter to prospective birthmothers. Once those things are complete, we wait (which will probably be one of the most difficult parts!). Average range is waiting 6-18 months. Once a birthmother narrows down her choice of family, she may call us and we will meet her before the baby is born. Keep checking back as we complete the steps of this process! :) THANKS!


  1. i am just so excited for you two and you know you are in my prayers every day! i can't imagine the overload of paperwork, but just take it one step at a time and remember you are never alone! love ya lots..m.e.

  2. How very exciting! Even though it is a lot, I have a strong feeling it will be so worth it :) What an amazing time and exciting. I am so excited to read this and see how things are going. Thank you tons for sharing!!! Love ya!

  3. Good to see you Wednesday! Had a great time shopping with you and catching up. I'll keep checking back for updates! :)
