The Hahns

The Hahns

Sunday, November 11, 2007

No letters

We got a call from our adoption counselor who informed us that no birthmothers had requested to see our letter we wrote in the month of October. She said not to be too worried because the California agency only received our letters in the middle of the month so that would be only two weeks for them to hand out our letter. When I heard that message it was a little disappointing. I know that we are only in the beginning stages of waiting to hear from someone, but I am still anxious. It seems like we have been waiting for forever! :) And when you think about it, it has been awhile...since we thought about starting a family in October of 2004! We have had a few hits on the website, so I think that is a good sign. I am trying to be patient and I know that God is working on the perfect mother for us. Some days it's just hard to wait! :)


  1. i can't imagine how hard it must be to wait!!! but i know that God's timing is the best timing! i love you both and continue to pray for you!!! if you ever need a distraction from waiting you can always join me in "community service"...ha ha! love ya lots...m.e.

    p.s. i also know of some movies you can watch ;)! oooh and we can always have a bw's or hacienda night :)! okay, now i am hungry!

  2. Wow, you guys have really been through a lot! I know all of us wish we could make it happen for you, but we all know it is in God's timing. The faith and honesty and faith and trust and faith that you two keep on sharing and showing is a true example of amazing christians and I know you will be rewarded!!! You will get the family that you always dreamed of and we all cannot wait to share in that excitement!!!

    I am with Jenn if you need a distraction!!! :)

    Love you both tons!

  3. You guys are the best!! LOVE YOU!!

  4. i'm still praying that God brings you your little one soon. i know it has to be hard but once it does happen, all the joy will out weight the time you had to wait. God has the perfect child for assured! i always remind myself, He DOES know what He's doing, even when I don't think so!! :)

  5. You've been tagged.

  6. you and matt are in my thoughts and prayers as you wait for an amazing gift from God. It must be real difficult for you to wait but just trust that God will provide when the time is right. you guys are going to make wonderful parents and I can't wait to see what God has in store for you!! peace...
