The Hahns

The Hahns

Monday, November 19, 2007

So, I've been tagged

OK, according to Mikel this is like a chain email only less annoying because it's on a blog! :) The goal is to learn a little bit more about your fellow bloggers. So here goes five things you did (or didn't) know about me.
1. Even though I think I am ok with adopting, there are many days that go by that I regret that I probably won't be able to have my own child. Especially when I see pregnant people or hear others talk about those 9 months of their lives. Attention all pregnant friends: This does not mean that you have to stop talking about your pregnancy when I am around. Most of the time I accept this fact of my life...but there are also days when I don't! :)
2. On to a much less important fact about me...I like computer games. Ok, so this may sound totally nerdy, but I can spend a lot of time playing games that my husband actually has bought for himself. I think it comes from my love of games in general and with the Internet there, there is always someone to play with or against.
3. I absolutely HATE driving in the car without music even if there is someone else driving with me. This may go back to my fear of akward silences, but I think it has more to do with my love of music. I'd rather listen to music I don't like (i.e. rap) than not have any music on in the car at all.
4. I would love to go back to Europe some day. I went to Spain in high school, but I don't think I got the true appreciation for the culture being that I was a teenager and most interested in myself! :)
5. I am afraid that I won't have enough money in the future. Is this why I am a cheapskate? Maybe, but I truly am worried that my retirement will fall through or I'll have to keep working until I'm 80 because I won't have enough money to live comfortably on. I consciously know that I shouldn't worry about this because it is not my plan, but God's that will ultimately decide my money situation. But that still doesn't always stop me from worrying.

Ok. So there's probably more about me than you'd ever want to know. I'm tagging Jess, Jenn, and Jessica. Check the links on the side of my blog to see who they tagged.


  1. wow, what a fun thing! i am glad i got tagged...this first time. :) but i learned quite a bit about you and i love it! thanks for sharing! Love ya lots!

  2. oh how fun!!! i actually learned a ton about you!!! and if you ever want to go back to europe, you know who to ;)! ha ha! i guess you can take matt :). love ya lots...m.e.
