The Hahns

The Hahns

Friday, March 14, 2008

Life is like a...

you can probably fill in the blank (roller coaster, box of chocolates, novel with the end ripped out [thanks Rascal Flatts :) ], etc.) People have used all sorts of metaphors to describe it and that's the kind of week I've had! I like roller coaster at the moment. I've had ups and downs this week about our adoption. Things look good and I think we've made a decision, and then other news comes out and I feel frustrated and helpless. At the moment though, I hope to be heading back up! :) We have signed up to go to a support meeting in Indy on the 29th of March. It is about transracial adoption. An adoptive couple is supposed to be speaking about raising a child that is of a different race. An email from our adoption counselor came just this week after I had written a post about how we were considering changing our profile. God is good! So I think we'll head down to Indy and spend a few days on a quick getaway and hopefully learn some in the process. How was your week?


  1. i know it has to be so frustrating for you and you're probably tired of hearing that it will happen in God's timing because you want it to be in your timing. know that we are still fervently praying for you and the perfect child to join your family. nothing could make us happier than to see that happen. we love you and if there is anything we can do, please let us know.

    on another note...i'll be calling you tomorrow. i didn't know if you'd be interested in going to rascal flatts's june 14th at verizon. the tickets are only 30 plus tax and parking fee. they go on sale tomorrow, but i don't know how much of a hurry we are in since we're just getting lawn seats. if you know of anyone else who would want to go, feel free to invite them along. the more the merrier!

  2. how exciting to go to that meeting! that is pretty good timing :) i am sure it will give you a lot of insight and with the praying everyone is doing, i am sure you will be able to determine what decision you will make. it can't be easy, but we all love you so much and want to do all that we can. love ya!!

  3. oh alicia...i can't wait to hear what direction God leads you two. i am excited about this opportunity for you and hope and pray that you receive the information you need to help make a decision, but also time to rest and enjoy the company of one another! love ya lots...m.e.

  4. Alicia - I pray that God will give you peace about your decision, either way you go. Adoption is life changing and you will know what feels right. May God bless you! - Sarah (Jenn & Jess's friend)
