The Hahns

The Hahns

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Decisions, decisions

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a terrible decision maker from picking out what to wear to finding a restaurant to eat at. I am usually happy with whatever decision is made. Well, I find myself faced with a decision and don't know what to do. We have just completed 4 1/2 months with the adoption agency with little to no "action". We have had a few hits a day on the website and very few letters requested by birthmothers, so Matt and I have been talking about whether or not to change the profile of the baby we have requested. We were pretty strict with drug and alcohol use as well as physical/mental disabilities. But, we are now at the point where we have been waiting for a child for 3 1/2 years and we're not sure how much more patience we have! :) So we are thinking about opening up our profile to include children from other races. Not that we had anything against kids that are not white in the first place, we just thought it'd be easier for two white people to raise a white child. So, I ask for your prayers as we ask God His opinion on the subject and hope that an answer will become clear to us. We want a child but also don't want to change our hopes just to get one.
Also, on a side note, Logan will probably be going back to the vet for the 3rd time in a month to look at his back leg (which was previously injured) and now his front right leg that he hurt last night and actually whined about! That poor dog has a rough life! :)


  1. oh alicia...i am with you on making decisions. big ones are even harder!! i know whatever you two decide will be the best decision! and always know that whatever you decide, we of course are all supportive! glad to hear you weren't against other races...i was kind of worried...NOT! anyone that knows you knows better :) take care of Logan! Love ya lots!

  2. you have and will continue to be in my prayers! i thank you for not making a quick decision but taking the time to ask for prayers for guidance. that isn't always easy!!! hmmm...what are you guys doing to logan over there? am i going to have to call dog protective services? :). ha! love ya lots..m.e.

  3. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Matt and Alicia, Scott and I are behind you 100%. We support whatever choice you make. We will keep you in our prayers. Sorry to hear about Logan. I hope he heals soon. Pain for a doggy must be just like our human pain... and we don't want anyone to hurt. Love to all.

  4. God is in control and He will provide the right child for you no matter what race you decide to go with. we're praying for you and know that God will reveal His desires for you!
