The Hahns

The Hahns

Thursday, May 29, 2008


It's that time of year again that I absolutely LOVE! Summer!! I've always loved this season the most. Of course it helps that I don't have to work, but I love being able to be outside, go camping, have bonfires, go to the lake, have the windows open, and wear tank tops and flip-flops. Lots of people complain that it's too hot or too humid. But I don't really mind because after being cold for so long, it's nice to be hot for awhile! :)

It was so wonderful to be able to spend Memorial Day weekend with friends (the start of the summer season!!). Since Matt was gone all weekend catching "monstrous fish", friends were so hospitable in inviting me to go out on the boat, cookout, scrap, play games, and hang out. The weather was finally decent enough to be outside and it is so nice to hang out with such wonderful people: John, Jessica, Greyson, Amos, Jess, Grace, Tyler, Jenn, Scott, and Melanie.

What's your favorite summer activity?


  1. had a great time with you too!!! let me see...favorite summer activity would be eating :). okay, so maybe that is my year round for summer i would say camping just because it includes so much...bonfires, hiking, biking, "bobbing", sleeping outside...and of course eating :). ha! love ya lots..m.e.

  2. what a fun post! i love summer too and i loved getting to spend so much time with you :) my favorite activities would have to be camping and playing on the lake! but most importantly it is sharing that time with friends and family! Love ya!

  3. summer is my favorite also! i love the warmth and the sun. anytime spent outside is my favorite! i love the cookouts, bike rides, swimming, laying out, etc. etc.!! no work is a bonus too! :)

    we have boxes, so if you want them this weekend let us know. if not, you can get them monday when you're here! how did the inspection and appraisal go? are things still progressing?
