The Hahns

The Hahns

Monday, June 23, 2008

Week in Review

Matt has returned! :) I tried to stay busy with teaching summer school (2 more days, YIPEE!), visiting friends, cleaning the house, shopping with mom, reading, and watching softball. And the week actually went by pretty quickly. I was glad to see Matt come home though. :)

Here is a picture of Matt and the kids in his group. He said the weather was cold, the water was frigid, and the bugs were bad. But everyone still managed to have a good time.

The fishing was not as good as it had been in the past, but he still managed to catch this whopper! :)

There was a moose and her calf that they could get relatively close too to take pictures of. Matt said that the moose didn't seem bothered by them, but they also didn't want to push their luck and get too close! :)

Things are moving along on the house, the appraiser came by last Thursday, and all the financial stuff is getting in order. So we're trying to figure out a moving/closing date that will be beneficial for both of us since we have to move at the same time. Don't worry though, when we get a moving date, we will let you all know!! :)


  1. i can't wait to show john the pic of that fish. it's huge! congrats matt for a catching a big fish!! and how awesome that must have been to see a moose. john and i wanted to so badly when we were in wy but never did. so cool! i'm glad your week went quickly and that matt has arrived home safely. :)

    and a sidenote...i opened that buggy thing the second grade gave greyson. it's pink. john about had a fit since you also gave him a purple seat. it was funny. you should have heard him! he said he can't wait to see you, cause you're going to hear it. ha!

  2. Did it not look red on the box?? I must've secretly been hoping you had a girl...or I just want Greyson to have strong self-esteem! :)

  3. what great pictures! i bet it is great to have matt back home and i am so glad he had such a great time!!! it will be good to see him :) Love ya!
