First of all, I have to say a big thank you for all the prayers, thoughts, and cards we received in this past week. Although it was difficult to say good-bye to grandpa, we are doing ok and will continue to heal knowing that God has him safe in heaven. I don't know what people do who lose a loved one and don't have that peace knowing that they are in God's hands.
Secondly, we finally got our new camera about a week ago. We went to pick it up 2 weeks ago when it was on sale at Best Buy, but of course it was out of stock, so we had to wait another week to get it. It's a lot different than our old one, but I'm sure we'll get used to it. And I thought I'd post some recent pictures (since we have taken so many trying out the different features of the camera). And of course, they are mostly of our favorite model! :)
Landon has recently discovered his feetLogan doesn't want to be left out
Lastly, I have to wish our siblings a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Kristina turned 27 on the 13th and Nate will be 27 on the 16th of March. It was really nice being able to celebrate with Kristina because we haven't done that in years. The Bergers, Hoovers, and Hahns went with Kristina to the Chubby Trout restaurant, where you get a free ice cream sundae and mug if it's your birthday (for future reference). And then back to our house to watch the Purdue basketball game and they won!!