I know that God knows the number of our days here on Earth, but it still always surprises me when those days look like they're coming to an end.
My Grandpa Bleile (mom's dad) was taken to the hospital last Saturday because he was having trouble breathing. Turns out that he had pneumonia, so they admitted him to the hospital and he was doing alright for most of this week. But last night, he took a turn for the worse and this morning he stopped breathing.
Matt, Landon, Logan, and I were on our way to visit Mikel, Jessica, and Gunnar when I got a call from mom saying that Grandpa had stopped breathing and he was unresponsive, so we turned the car around and drove right to the hospital. He is now on life support, not breathing on his own, and in a coma like state. It was so difficult to see him in the hospital, not at all looking like the talkative go-getter that I'm used to seeing.
I guess the plan is to wait 24 hours and see if he can breathe on his own. It looks like there will be some difficult decisions for the family to make in the next few days, so we could all use your prayers. I know God is good and my grandpa has such a close relationship with the Lord, but it's still hard. I'll try to keep everyone updated. Thanks so much!
I am so so sorry to hear this! It has got to be so hard for you and your family! You all will certainly be in my prayers and if you need anything at all, dinner, whatever...just call!!! Love you!