The Hahns

The Hahns

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Fall Break and a busy week

I do realize that it has been over a week since I've enjoyed my fall vacation. But ever since then, our lives have been pretty crazy. Either Matt, myself, or both of us have been gone each day since. So it has taken me awhile to post. Fall Break was the weekend of Halloween and the Thursday, Friday before. It was so great being able to spend time with the kids. I think I really realized how big they're getting. Landon is pretty much an expert walker (ok he does fall down often, but at least he now knows how to get back up!). And Emerson is getting so big. She actually gets heavy to carry around now.
Well, I should also recap our lovely Halloween party. I believe it was the 5th annual Halloween bash with the theme being dressing from a decade. The 70's won the popular decade (with 3 guys dressing from then). Jess won best costume and I tied for 2nd (but won the tie!). We also played Scary Family Feud, Partini, and Rock Band. It was nice to get some adult time and actually get to talk to people without having to worry about what the kids were doing. Thanks to Todd and Cathy for watching the kids overnight. I think that's the first whole night sleep I've had in over a year!! Hmmm...I wonder what next year's theme will be!
Matt-70's and Alicia-20's
This past weekend was also really busy. On Saturday, Matt and I went to the Purdue/Michigan game with his parents. It was up in Michigan (about a 3 hr. drive). The weather was absolutely georgeous and the game was soooo exciting. It probably helped that PU won!! That stadium was crazy big, though. There were over 108,000 people there. I don't think I've ever SEEN so many people before. We had a great time at the game and eating at a cute little restaurant on the way home. Thanks to mom and dad for watching the kids all day!
And this evening was our Sunday School Harvest Party at the Schmucker's. The kids had their first hayride (and both fell asleep!) and we had to leave early because it gets dark so early and Landon thought it was bed time! :) We still had a nice time, though.
What a great blessing to have so many wonderful friends to spend time with!!


  1. What a fun filled weekend! I like the costumes. Sorry about not telling you we got a new car. There was so much stuff going on and it was really a less than 24 hour decision. I hope you're not too mad at us. We're planning on driving it home for Thanksgiving so you'll be able to see it then. I can't wait! Love you!

  2. You have been busy...but a lot of fun stuff going on...especially the Halloween party! Thanks for squeezing us in as was nice to hang out :) Love ya!
