The Hahns

The Hahns

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Someone's got a new tooth!

And it isn't Landon...although that might be exciting news since he is 13 months old and has only 4 teeth! But, no, it's his little sister! Emerson and I were sitting in the rocking chair and she was laughing at Matt. That's when I thought I noticed something white in her mouth and sure enough, her first tooth poked through! I took a picture of it, but you can't really see it so I decided not to post it. She seems so little for a tooth already, but I guess that's because Landon's been so slow getting his. It isn't bothering her. She's still slobbery and wants to chew on everything just like always. She didn't get a fever or extra grouchy, so hopefully she takes all her teeth this well! :) So a big congrats to my little girl on her first tooth! :)


  1. YAY!!! Now you have to really watch your hands when they get too close to her mouth! :) The 6 month old I watch has had 2 teeth since he was 4 months old...Parker has been working on his for over a month, so I hope he takes after Emerson soon!! Isn't it amazing how fast they grow??

  2. congrats emerson! that's awesome that she wasn't effected by it and took it like a woman! :)

  3. Yah for teeth! I can't wait to see it in a little over a week!:)

  4. That is so doesn't seem like she should be getting teeth already...crazy! Congrats Emerson and way to go on not getting grouchy with it :)
