The Hahns

The Hahns

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New hair

Matt decided a few weeks ago that he wanted to try to cut his own hair to save money (and apparently many of his friends do it, so it must be cool! :))  So on Sunday afternoon, he cut his own hair (which looks really good).  But then we had a problem because Landon always goes with daddy to get his hair cut.  So we decided to be brave and cut Landon's hair at home.  It was funny because we said, "Landon, do you want to get a haircut?"  And he said, "I get sukder (sucker)."  He always gets one at the salon to keep him still.  But we had an even better plan and let him watch "cartnoons," which is actually Super Mario Bros. on the Wii.  He sit perfectly still and his hair turned out great (although a little short!)

Landon's new hair cut at home
  And Emmy of course wanted her hair cut as well so Matt had to pretend to cut her hair.  But the exciting news for her is that her hair has finally grown enough to put a bow in!

I also had to include these pictures (even though they don't follow the hair theme).  On Saturday, we went to a baby shower for my cousin, Erin, and her little girl Alaina.  Emerson absolutely LOVED the "bebe" as she called her.  I've never seen her love on somebody so much.  Thankfully Alaina didn't seem to mind! :)  She just wanted to hug and kiss her and everytime someone else wanted to hold her, Emerson had to go over and make sure she was alright.  It was precious!


  1. it's nice not to have to pay for haircuts. way to go matt! :)and i love the bow! and of course, i have to throw this out there...emmy needs a little brother or sister to love on. :) apparently she's really good with babies!

  2. I'm am impressed with Landon's haircut. Do you think Matt can cut Steven's hair when we go home? ;) Those pictures of Emmy are too cute. A little sibling for her would be great...for her. :) Probably not for you at the moment. I'm glad I could spend that time with you guys. can't wait to see you again!

  3. Way to go and join the world of free hair cuts!!! They look great! I love Em's hair up in a bow on Sunday! She is a cutie!!!
