The Hahns

The Hahns

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Star and A the Making! :)

On Sunday the kids at church put on the annual Christmas play and this year our kids got asked to participate.  They were all supposed to be non-traditional Christmas ornaments (note the dragon and giraffe below).  Emerson was a super star.  She LOVED being on stage with all of the other kids.  She stood there like a trooper and even followed the directions to sit down and get off the stage at the right time!  They had streamers to hold for one song and "baby Jesus" dolls to hold in another.  Everytime we asked her if she was ready to go back on stage, she smiled and said, "DO!"
Tyler and Emerson holding their streamers

Emerson watched the other kids and sat down when they all sat.
  Landon was another story.  He absolutely bawled when we tried to put him on stage.  He cried at the practice and we tried to get him all excited about going on stage on Sunday and he acted happy....until I put him on the stage! :)  He ended up sitting with Daddy and his Papa's, while I helped Em on and off the stage.  So I guess we'll try again next year with him.  I think once he starts going to Kids Club on Wednesday night, he'll get more used to all the kids and the noise, and maybe he'll like it! :)
Landon: It too LOUD!


  1. Ok, those pictures are great! Em was a superstar! I know who she gets that from :) Landon was still the cutest puppy ever! And that last pick of him is so sad and sweet at the same time!

  2. wow, i'm impressed emerson did so well! i don't even think greyson would stay put long enough for a musical. he wouldn't cry, he'd just be ALL over! glad it went so well...for one!

  3. I agree with Jessica..I'm amazed that emerson did so well...kiara definitely would've been a super star, but it wouldn't have been about the show. They are too cute Alicia!
