The Hahns

The Hahns

Friday, July 20, 2012

Canoe Site Camping at Chain 'O Lakes

I will try a lot of things one time.  So when the guys suggested camping in the primitive canoe sites of  Chain O' Lakes, I said, "Ok."  Primitive = no running water, no showers, no flushable toilets!  We had to either canoe all of our gear or walk .25 miles back to our sites, which were completely set apart from the rest of the campgrounds.  That was nice because the kids could run around as loudly as they wanted and when we decided to sleep, no other campers could keep us awake!  The dads and kids (and Bo) also enjoyed that the sites were right on the water so they could fish whenever they wanted.  We had a great weekend, but I was sure glad to get home and take a warm shower!

Love Kenna's smile! :)

We had a beautiful view of the lake from our sites.

The kids loved playing in the canoes!
I am still undecided as to whether or not I'd camp here again.  There were many pros, but also some cons.  But it was great to spend time with the Davis family, Frye family, and Kristina and Bo!  We'll have to plan another camping date!!


  1. great pics! and i'm with ya on not knowing if i'd camp there again! it was nice, but.... :) let's plan a weekend in the fall! :)

  2. I love the fall camping idea! We had a blast with everyone and the pictures were great!!

  3. It was nice but a hot shower was even nicer. I know Bo loved it and looking at the picture of Landon and Spike it looks as though you may need to get a dog sooner rather than later. :)
