The Hahns

The Hahns

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Our Family Christmas

We had such a joyous Christmas with our family this year.  We've been so blessed to have children 8 months apart and Christmas has been such a fun time for all of us.  With a 3 and 4 year old, the magic of the season was so apparent in everything from Santa, to Tricky the elf, to buying presents, to making cookies.  Everything was fun and wonderful!
all dressed up on Christmas Sunday

picture for our Christmas card 2012

The kids got the cookies and milk ready for Santa and the carrots ready for the reindeer.
On Christmas Day, Emerson was the first one up.  She came in our room to check the stockings at 7 a.m. by turning on our bedroom lights full blast.  Then she ran out to the tree to see if Santa brought her a "dolly house."  She was quite disappointed when she didn't see one under the tree, but thankfully Santa brought a note saying a big gift was downstairs!

Landon got a new scooter, which was "Just what I wanted," (even though he never mentioned it!).
The kids wanted to open the gifts they got for each other.  Landon got Emmy a Belle Princess Doll (which unfortunately lost her arm later that day) and Emmy got Landon (and Daddy) Star Wars Blaster guns with darts.
Matt got a new version of Settlers of Catan and some warm outdoor clothes.  I got some new clothes and jewelry.
It was so nice to be able to relax with the family and enjoy each other's company.


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    It looks like a wonderful Christmas day to me!!! I love the pictures and the excitement Emmy and Landon have! They looked ADORABLE in their Christmas outfits :) Jess

  2. wow! what a doll house! i bet emmy loves it. does landon play with it too? i'm finding greyson has enjoyed playing with all of kenna's girl toys.
