The Hahns

The Hahns

Sunday, April 03, 2016

A Week of Superstars

We had a busy week this week getting to see some famous people. 
Margaret Peterson Haddix, a great children's book author, came to Woodview.  We had been reading her books and she did not disappoint.   The kids were thrilled to get to see her and have a book signed by her.

On Friday, the Davis', Fallers, and Matt and I went to Marion to a Need to Breathe  Concert (or as my kiddos called it, Take A Breath concert).  We had a good time eating at Culver's and enjoying the ride together.  Mom and Dad kept the kids overnight so we didn't have to worry about picking them up, either.
We were really confused when the hosts kept talking about fusion...apparently it was a youth conference happening that night, so we fit right in! :)

But the biggest stars were Landon and Emmy in their first concert at NorthWood.  They sang several songs and were super cute on stage. :)
Love these moments together!

1 comment:

  1. loved your title and you are right, the last two are the best! :)
