The Hahns

The Hahns

Friday, August 22, 2008

The week in review

This past week has been full of activity:
  • I started back to school. It's always so hard to get back to a routine after summer break and I could barely keep my eyes open by the time I got home today!
  • My class, I've discovered, is full of "active" children, which will take some creative planning so I can keep my sanity. :)
  • I definitely, for sure, I think...cannot use my sick days to cover my maternity leave (this after talking to multiple people who aren't sure, but this was the conclusion that was decided upon! ) according to my contract (that is not current since we are currently not working under a contract!) Does that make much sense? :)
  • Mary, our birthmother, has a train ticket to come visit over Labor Day from Sunday morning until Monday evening! YEAH!
  • The men's softball season has ended with....a loss. :( Although, it is still a great time for the "fans" to get together each week to chat!
  • Mr. Rainbow (the turtle :) ) has a new, bigger home. He's in an aquarium in the living room for now until he will go to school with me when I go back in January!
  • And Matt and I will, if all goes well, be going to pick up a crib tomorrow afternoon, so the newly washed bedding doesn't have to keep sitting in the corner of the nursery! :)
Ok, I think that's about it! Have a great weekend everybody!


  1. What a great week!!! I am sure you will find the perfect way to handle your energized students :) Plus, you will have some months off so that will help :) I am so glad Mr. Rainbow has a bigger home. Gracie will be thrilled :) And I can't wait to see the crib! How fun!!!!! Seriously, that is so exciting!!! Love ya!!!!

  2. Sounds like a long week. I am so happy for you and all that is going on.

  3. you guys have sooo much going on. what an exciting time for you both!! :) i can't wait to see the crib!

  4. so much going on in the lives of the hahn's :). i am so glad things are moving forward with the adoption and know she will love you all as much as we do! i will pray for her safe travels. and yea for mr. rainbow...i was very worried :). ha! love ya lots..m.e.
