The Hahns

The Hahns

Friday, September 12, 2008

I almost forgot! :)

Matt talked to Mary today on the phone. She said she is feeling pretty good. She had another doctor's appointment and the doctor thinks she will probably be pretty close to her due date. And she is 1 cm dilated! :) I know she still has a long way to go, but it's exciting none the less!!


  1.'s getting so close!! i hope it happens while you are at school. how exciting would that be for all your kids! :)

  2. ahhh!!! very exciting!!! time is getting closer!!! and i am so glad you have felt so much support and love from all of us around you!!! love ya lots...m.e.

  3. AAAAHHHH!!! That is so so so exciting!!! Any day now :):):) Can't wait to get the call :) Love ya!

  4. It's getting close!!! Praying for you, Matt and your little bundle of joy! :)
