The Hahns

The Hahns

Friday, September 26, 2008


Patience is a virtue
Good things come to those who wait
Love is patient, love is kind

And the list goes on...
There are so many Bible verses and sayings about the importance of being patient. But waiting always seems the hardest when it's the unknown. As you all know, we are still in Indiana awaiting the birth of our baby (who is 5 days overdue now, not that we're counting ;) ). Let me tell you though, we have become experts at waiting. We've become experts at waiting on test results, phone calls, matches to be made, visits, and now a birth. And through all of this waiting I am constantly reminded that I am NOT in control. God definitely has the upper hand! :) And even though I would love for all of these things to happen quickly, they are happening in God's time and I am trying to enjoy my days of waiting...but it's not easy! :)
What's been the hardest thing you've had to wait for?


  1. hang tight, you are doing awesome and any day now! way to keep putting it in God's hands!!! hmm..the longest thing i have waited for, really can't think of anything that is even near this or as important. :)...maybe just the next step in life! love ya lots..m.e.

  2. Anonymous11:16 PM

    I am waiting with you! You don't know me, but I have never checked your blog as much as in the past week!! Waiting to hear news (and rejoicing with you!) of the arrival of your baby! (BTW, I am Jenn & Jess's friend!)

  3. It will come, it will come. And I know it doesn't help when 100 people ask you everyday if he's here yet. I just hope and pray that I get to see him before Christmas! :) The hardest thing I've had to wait for is 15 months for Steven's deployment to be over. And I guess the 2nd hardest thing to wait for while be the 12 months on his next deployment. :(

  4. you are doing great!! God sure is preparing your patience for when he comes and you have to be patient with him :):):)...oh little rocket :) besides waiting by my phone to get a call from you all :) of my hardest waits would be for our kids :)...oh and tyler walking :)

  5. waiting is hard, but the end is in site! just think, you will be finding out tomorrow when she will be induced and you will be able to be there when your precious boy is born! God does have it under control!! love ya and hope the waiting comes to an end soon!
