So sorry that I have been absent from the blogging world for so long! :) But I thought it was about time for an update!
Landon is growing and changing every day. It is amazing how much he learns in just a short time. He has become very interested in things with buttons, such as the remote control and x-box controller (hence the title of this post! :) ).
He is also talking like crazy. He especially enjoys talking to his bottle, pacifier, and toys that he can easily hold. He LOVES Logan. He will watch him and look for him all the time. He also smiles and giggles when Logan barks. Logan has done really well with Landon too. So far he doesn't mind if Landon tugs on his ears.
I also have to include an updated picture of baby girl and me. I am now in week 26 of the pregnancy and mostly feeling good. The only thing that really bugs me is my lower back. It is sore all the time. But according to Kelli (who's 2 weeks ahead of me) and Victoria (who's 2 weeks behind me), that is normal since they're having the same problem! :) But I'd take this over morning sickness any day!!